PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health Character and Economic education) at Foxford School is a planned, developmental programme of learning through which our students acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. The programme is delivered through all curriculum areas ensuring that the specialist teaching delivers the expertise that our students deserve. 

The delivery of RSE and Personal Development components of the curriculum is delivered by tutors each week, taking in local context and need.  The strong professional relationship between tutors and students is central to RSE and Personal Development allowing the learning to extend beyond the academic, vocational or technical curriculum and allowing pupils to engage with views, beliefs and opinions that are different from their own in considered ways within a secure environment. 

Careers is in integral part of the PSHCE curriculum and aims to inspire students with information and skills they need to take their next steps into the wider world. 

All staff in schools have a duty to ‘actively promote’ the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutualrespect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values were first set out by the government in the ‘Prevent’ strategy in 2011. 

The planning and delivery of PSHCE is sequenced and spiralled throughout the students time at Foxford and commits to teaching from the starting point of the law; the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Equality Duty paying due diligence to the protected characteristics as defined in law, ensuring students know that no form of discrimination is tolerated. This can be demonstrated on the ‘roadmap for PSHCE’.  Parents are informed about subjects to be studied in the next term.

All of the content underpins the wider work of the school helping to foster pupil wellbeing, develop resilience and character. Central to this is the student’s ability to believe that they can achieve goals, both academic and personal, supporting the whole school ethos of a culture of excellence. 

Relationship and sex education (RSE) is part of a balanced, cross-curricular, personal, social, health, character and economic education (PSHCE) which supports the aims and ethos of the school. It is intended that this programme should complement parental responsibilities, and it is seen as an integral part of each student’s personal development. RSE deals with relationships, emotions, sex, sexuality and sexual health. 


We aim to: 

• encourage the development of self-esteem and the valuing of others 

• encourage students towards independence of choice and judgement within the parameters of the Education Act 1993 

• encourage students to be responsible for their own sexual behaviour 

• develop the understanding of different personal relationships i.e. the nature and functions of “family” life and personal relationships in all their varieties 

• provide balanced factual information about human reproduction, with attention of the broader emotional, ethical, religious, and moral dimensions of sexual health 

• to prepare students for an adult life 

• encourage pupils to seek advice and guidance from School staff and agencies 

• ensure opportunities are available for all students to develop the social skills to enable them to make informed choices 

• encourage students to be positive about sexual health, their own sexuality and appreciate the similarities and differences encountered in others. 

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) 

RSE has 3 main elements: 

Attitudes and Values 

• Learning the importance of values and individual conscience and moral considerations 

• Learning the value of family life, marriage, and stable and loving relationships for the nurture of  children 

• Learning the value of respect, love and care; Exploring, considering and understanding moral dilemmas; and 

• Developing critical thinking as part of decision-making. 

Personal and social skills 

• Learning to manage emotions and relationships confidently and sensitively 

• Developing self-respect and empathy for others 

• Learning to make choices based on an understanding of difference and with an absence of prejudice 

• Developing an appreciation of the consequences of choices made 

• Managing conflict; and 

• Learning how to recognise and avoid exploitation and abuse. 

Knowledge and understanding 

• learning and understanding physical development at appropriate stages 

• understanding human sexuality, reproduction, sexual health, emotions and relationships 

• learning about contraception and the range of local and national sexual health advice, contraception and support services 

• learning the reasons for delaying sexual activity and the benefits to be gained from such delay; and 

• the avoidance of unplanned pregnancy. 

More information on RSE can be found in the RSE policy. 

Should you have any further queries please speak to Mrs N Green who oversees PSHCE.