Year 8

Welcome to Year 8 at Foxford School.  The Year 8 team is led by  Miss Slater  (Associate Year Leader), Miss Rivers (Associate Year Leader) and Miss Rowe (Assistant Headteacher) who are committed to providing a culture of excellence.  Our dedicated tutor team support the progress of the students for their time at Foxford School, working as a team to ensure that every child can achieve their personal goals and full academic potential. 

Year 8 is an important and exciting year for all students and we have very high expectations of them. Our focus is on developing independence and taking responsibility for our learning. We encourage our students to work hard and start to think about their future goals and how they are going to be successful in achieving them. 


We expect our students to have excellent attendance and punctuality, be organised and prepared to learn. They should bring the correct equipment (pen, pencil, ruler, planner, and calculator) and resources to lessons, and ensure that homework is completed regularly and on time. 

We ask that parents and carers support us when students do not meet our expectations and encourage our young people to take responsibility for their actions. We also ask that parents and carers check Firefly regularly to support home learning. 


At Foxford we use graduation points. Points are awarded for 100% attendance, outstanding progress, attainment, consistent positive attitude to learning, magic moments in and out of lessons, extra-curricular commitment, promoting Foxford values such as community service and student leadership. Praise postcards, rewards assemblies and awards evenings are also used to reward students for positive attitudes, achievement and attainment. 

PSHCE Education (Personal, Social, Health, Character and Economic) 

Throughout year 8, all students will engage in a valuable and informative PSHCE programme during form time sessions with their tutors and during year head and whole school assemblies. 

PSHCE is an important part of your child’s national curriculum learning with a focus in year 8 on how individuals develop personally, our relationships with other people, families and friends. It also covers matters relating to being healthy and fit and what it means to be a good citizen. Studies of PSHCE at Foxford ensures understanding and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.  This is achieved through enhancing pupils understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society. Assemblies and discussions involving prejudices and prejudice-based bullying have been followed and supported by learning in RE and PSHCE.  We also look at the world of work and consider the government and politics of Britain. 

The programme will cover the following topics and issues; 

Developing a positive mindset 

  • Self-regulation (including promotion of a positive, growth mind-set1 and managing strong emotions and impulse.  
  • Empathy and compassion (including impact on decision-making and behaviour)  
  • Enterprise skills and attributes (e.g. aspiration, creativity, goal setting, identifying opportunities, taking positive risks).  
  • Developing and maintaining a healthy self-concept (including self-confidence, realistic self-image, self-worth, assertiveness, self-advocacy and self-respect). 

Friendships and Positive Connections            

Using these skills and attributes to build and maintain healthy relationships of all kinds and accessing appropriate help and support (including self-confidence, realistic self-image, self-worth, assertiveness, self-advocacy and self-respect Self-regulation (including promotion of a positive, growth mind-set and managing strong emotions and impulses) . 

Recognising and managing peer influence and the need for peer approval, including evaluating perceived social norms.  

Identifying unhelpful ‘thinking traps’ (e.g. generalisation and stereotyping. 

Mental Health 

  • Different types of mental health issues. 
  • Recognising signs of mental health in others. 
  • Strategies for identifying and accessing appropriate help and support 

Year 8 Tutor Team 

We are very proud of our tutor team who consistently strive to develop their students and to build relationships which help students grow in confidence and independence. 

8AHE Miss A Hedges 
8AROMr A Roberts 
8BDH Miss B Dhillon 
8CMY Miss C Myers & Mr A Tang 
8CWR Mr C Wright 
8JCRMr J Carter 
8MSTMiss M Stapleton 
8SMUMrs S Munshi


For any specific queries please contact the school direct: 


Telephone: 024 7636 9200